What does gardening have to offer?
There are many great benefits to gardening!
My love for gardening started at a young age. I would help my mom plant, harvest, and preserve fruits and vegetables.
When I was about 9 years old…
I began planting wildflowers in my own little garden space.
To this day, wildflowers are still my favorite things to plant for a few reasons
It’s exciting to see all the different flowers that come up, and wildflowers are a great habitat for insects.
They also provide food for bees, butterflies, and birds.
Have you been thinking about starting a garden?
Are you curious about all the great benefits that a garden offers?
You are at the right place!

Connecting with nature has been known to have great benefits but let’s take a look at gardening in particular.
Gardening has more benefits than just the fact that you will have fresh food. Let’s dive in!
Improves Physical Health
It can be hard to stay active in today’s society, with office jobs and tons of indoor entertainment,
most people get less exercise than what is required to live a happy and healthy life.
Also, it takes a ton of discipline to stay active with this kind of setup because it’s way easier not to move our bodies
Gardening can help with this because it requires us to use our hands and move our bodies, making it easy for you to stay active without even going to the gym
Plus, being in the sun is good for your health.
Gardening builds discipline
Discipline is hard, especially if you have the option to not be discipline
It takes discipline to prepare the soil for planting and then to plant and discipline to water the plants and weed the garden
and also to harvest the vegetables before they are over ripe (which I have failed to do many times)
Therefore, you can grow both your discipline and food for your table… that’s a win-win!
Builds self-esteem
Your hard work and discipline will pay off in delicious produce
seeing produce that was grown by your own hands on your plate will make you feel accomplished and rightfully so,
Thus, building your self-esteem

Gardening can lower stress
We all know to much stress can do damage to our bodies
Such as lower our immune system, headache and fatigue
Most of us have plenty of stress, from our jobs, social media and news
So what better way to lower stress than by gardening!
Can Lower Depression and Anxiety
Similar to how gardening lowers stress it can also lower depression and anxiety.
Helps keep the planet healthy
Organic gardening can restore soil and promote a healthy ecosystem
Flowers provide food for bees and insects.
A garden can also provide food and habitats for wildlife that is if you allow them to dwell in your garden
Which I think is a wonderful thing—to watch a field mouse scurry into a flower bed or underneath a pumpkin vine.
Provides Fresh Food
Probably the most obvious benefit is that you can go into your own backyard and find enough food for an entire meal!
How wonderful is that!
Or you could grow flowers
and have dozens of flowers ready for you to make a bouquet for your table.
Less Mass Production
All the spray and fertilizer that is used in mass produced crops lowers the quality of our soil
So by having your own garden you can help restore soil quality rather then aid in destroying it.
Happy gardening!