
Gardening tips for beginners

Gardening is so rewarding you get to watch a tiny seed turn into a plant and then that plant will produce vegetables for you to eat.

photo by Jonathan Kemper

Gardening is such a beautiful thing it’s like God is directly handing you food.

Food that has not been handled or processed by someone else is wholesome and as healthy as it gets.

You can grow some vegetables no matter where you live, if you live in an apartment you can use containers to grow a few vegetables

If you have a small backyard great you can have a small garden or some raised beds

Or maybe you have a big piece of land and you want to grow most of your food then you have come to the right place.

I will teach you exactly how I started growing some vegetables, and how you can too.

Why should I start gardening?

Well, growing your own food can help lower your grocery bill.

And you will have fresh and healthy vegetables straight from your garden.

You won’t have to rely solely on the grocery store for all your food.

Most of the vegetables you buy at a supermarket will have been sprayed with harmful chemicals, if you grow your own produce you will know exactly what is on your vegetables.

Different ways to grow vegetables

What are some of the different ways to grow vegetables? Options for someone who lives in an apartment.

Like I said earlier you can still grow vegetables even if you live in an apartment because most vegetables can be grown in a container

Here are a few ideas; tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, and herbs.

And of course, if you have a garden you can definitely grow some vegetables in your garden.

What vegetables should I start with?

You will need to decide what kind of vegetables you want to grow, pick some that you like eating because why grow something you won’t enjoy eating?

Also, pick a vegetable that is not super hard to grow and one that does well in your region.

Don’t overwhelm yourself in your first year of gardening pick two or three different vegetables that you want to grow and focus on those

Because gardening is a fun experience if done right and I don’t want you to get overwhelmed the first time.

Don’t expect a lot of produce in your first year because it’s a learning experience.

Then as you get better at gardening you can add more and more different types of vegetables.

You can either buy starts from a greenhouse or store or you can buy seeds and start them yourself.

Personally, I like to start my own seeds but that is up to you. read this article on how to start seeds

When buying seeds look for organic, non-GMO, and labeled as not treated also if you want to save seeds from your plants you will need to make sure they are heirloom and not hybrid.

I would love to know what you decide to plant let me know in the comments below this article!

What Month Should I Start Planting?

This will depend on where you live, what kind of vegetables you are planting, and if you are starting your own seeds or buying starts.

I live in zone 5 or 6 and I started my tomato seeds in February that seemed a little early but they did fine and by July I harvested my first tomato.

For my cucumbers, I planted the seeds straight in the garden in April or May.

Keeping The Weeds Down

I like to use cardboard around the plants and then add grass clippings, mulch, or compost on top to help keep the weeds down

this also keeps the soil healthy and prevents it from drying out as fast.

Harvesting Your Produce

If you have a small crop you may be able to keep up with your plants and you won’t need to preserve any.

My advice would be to focus on growing vegetables and not preserving the first year.

If you don’t want to preserve any you can give some to a friend or if you have animals you can feed them some of the vegetables that you don’t want.


By reading this article you should have a good idea where to start gardening.

Anyone can grow a few vegetables and so can you if you are willing to learn and experiment.

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how to start seeds indoors 

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