new year

make 2025 the best year of your life!

don’t wait for a successful year, create the best year of your life by taking control.

let’s make 25 a great year!

this past year has been challenging, but also full of victories.

I was faced with an emergency vet bill as my cat needed to have one of her legs amputated due to a major injury

I moved out of my parents’ house,

before this I had never moved into a different house…yes I’m 19 years old and that was my first time moving. it brought its challenges.

regardless of all the pain 2024 was a great year, it taught me a lot,

so here are some of the things that I learned in 2024 so that we can make ’25 the best year.

in early ’24 I started my personal brand journey, I didn’t put in the effort that I would have liked, but that’s ok

because it’s never too late to turn things around and that is exactly what I’m going to do in 2025,

I can’t control the outcome but I can control my input so, I’m going to give it my best shot!

if you don’t give it your best shot, just because you are scared of failing you might as well not try (I just spoke to myself right there)

Trusting God

there were so many times when I had no choice other than to trust God with a situation and each time he proved that he truly is trustworthy,

I’m not just talking about times when I was kind of able to do it on my own…no I’m talking about times when I literally couldn’t do it on my own.

God stepped in and took over, and gave me the strength to see it through.

by trusting God more I have learned that he truly cares about all areas of my life, even small daily decisions, because even the smallest decisions have an impact on our life,

it has also taught me not to overthink, but to trust that even if I make the wrong choice God will work everything together for my good.

sometimes I didn’t even know how to trust him but I still wanted to, and with only my desire to trust him he showed me how.

financial growth

Financial growth

I went on a lot of awesome trips in 2024 most of them I probably should not have taken due to financial reasons,

but I have good memories and I’m not mad about that,

it’s time to turn things around because I’m tired of living paycheck to paycheck,

so in 2025, we are going to create financial stability, by creating higher income and breaking bad spending habits

here is what I plan to do

track my spending and income, I haven’t decided on which budget app to use so if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them!

increase my income x4

and save 1k for emergencies

I don’t spend a lot of unnecessary money, but I still spend more than I should because of my current income,

therefore, my focus for this year is to create more income, rather than spending less.

Dealing with Failure

this is something that I have had to learn this past year.

I messed up a lot, but that doesn’t define a person,

this is a hard thing to learn,

but the truth is you and I will never be perfect, we will always mess up and that should not stop us from giving our best shot.

God does not see us for all the times we messed up, and we don’t need to worry about what people think about us,

because here’s the thing everyone has different perspectives some are right and some are wrong we cannot always determine what the right perspective is but God always knows

therefore we only need to try to see ourselves through Gods eyes.

we also need to learn to see ourselves as we truly are, without forming an opinion about ourselves, then, and only then we are able to do great things.

if things go wrong in life because of something that we did, I believe it is not always our job to figure out what exactly happened.

God has such a divine plan for our life and sometimes if we try so hard to figure everything out we make an even greater mess and we forget to trust him altogether.

in 2025 I will look at failure as an important part of growth rather than an ending.

I will rejoice in my failure because in my weakness his strength is made known.

learning mindset

Learning Mindset

if you start to develop a learning mindset you will learn valuable lessons from things you didn’t know could teach you anything.

when we think that we know enough about a subject it usually means we are far from knowing enough,

so don’t turn off your brain to any information by thinking “Oh I already know that”

because even if you have heard that information before you might be able to understand it on a whole new level by hearing it again.

I experienced this when I started learning copywriting…

after watching a few videos on copywriting I thought to myself what more is there to know I’m ready to start writing

but when I began to write I realized how little I knew and even what I had learned I did not fully understand,

then after watching some more videos and rewatching some of the ones I had already watched it made so much more sense.

here’s to learning more this coming year!

remember all the good things that happened this past year and leave the bad in the past.

and work hard towards your dreams, your hard work will pay off!

if you need someone to help you celebrate your wins and push you through the hard times send me a DM on Instagram I would love to be there for you! @glorious_days


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  1. You have a beautiful way with words Gloria!! It was very encouraging.
    I would recommend checking out every dollar from Dave Ramsey.

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