stay creative

Fear kills Creativity, Tips for Staying Creative

I was trying to come up with an idea for a reel but I was feeling uninspired, when all of a sudden it felt like a creative window had been opened up…

but why?

Then I realized I was scared of what people might think, and this was stopping me from creating.

fear can stop so many things.

we all need creativity, artists, writers, business owners, and content creators, we have been created to create.

to feel fulfilled we need to create.

you have so much more creativity than you realize, but the problem is you don’t know how to use it and let it flow because of fear.

stop being scared and just start creating whether it’s writing, creating videos, music, products, or art, just do it!

“Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand” (Isaiah 41:10)

being more creative will affect all areas of your life, it will improve your problem-solving abilities, enhancing your quality of life.

creativity is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets

so how can we maximize our creative thinking?

I have gathered a list of things that have helped me when I am having a hard time creating.

your brain is more creative during certain parts of the day usually late mornings or early evenings

so pay attention to when your brain is the most creative then leave that time open for your most demanding tasks.


let yourself get bored

in today’s society, we are always overstimulated at work we are focusing on accomplishing tasks,

and at home, we watch a show or scroll through Instagram listening to what other people have to say.

even in public, we have constant access to entertainment

which kills creativity.

most of us don’t even know ourselves, there are probably a lot of things that you would like to do but you never try new things.

if we let ourselves get bored our brains will naturally start being creative.

ways to implement this:

make a habit of sitting alone with your thoughts, during this time try not to worry about your problems and just relax.

when you are waiting on something or if you have spare time instead of scrolling just listen to your thoughts.


read books

reading books will inspire creativity.

any kind of book will help open your mind to new ideas thus inspiring creativity.

read fiction non-fiction and educational books each one will have a different way of opening your mind.

try new things

Try that new thing that you have been wanting to try, plant that garden you have always wanted to,

read that book, go on a hike, or try baking something.

even small things have a way of shifting our mindset.

by trying new things you might find that you like doing something that you didn’t even know you liked.

meet new people

sometimes seeing things from different people’s perspectives is the best way to spark new ideas.

These tips can help you stay creative, but remember creativity can’t be forced.

keep creating!

best wishes ~ Gloria

you may also enjoy reading, 7 Tips for Creating a better lifestyle


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