you have a weapon

you have a powerful weapon

you have a weapon against every problem you face, you might not even realize it allow me to show you, your weapon with this little story.

imagine this…

you’re in the middle of a forest

it’s foggy… you can’t see very far ahead of you

all of a sudden…

you hear rustling behind you

as you start scanning the forest you see not one…

but dozens of men surrounding you

but you can’t see them very well

and than…

you realize you are in the middle of enemy territory!

oh no!

how are you going to get out alive?

“what will I protect myself with” (you think to yourself)

then you remember you took boxing lessons (haha, that should save you from 50 swords in the hands of trained men)

well anyways…

they start coming




you start to feel worse and worse about your boxing skills

one guy is now just a few yards in front of you…

just as he is about to charge you

you feel a tap on your shoulder…

your blood runs cold…

a whisper…

“Those men are cooked”

whipping your head around to find your partner ENJOYING the whole situation

you start getting hot with anger…

because the two of you are about to be slaughtered and he is acting as if it were a friendly game of checkers at a family reunion

“We don’t have time for this”

you yell

“We are as good as dead”

your partner looks at you with a puzzled expression…

“what do you mean?”

he asks, still puzzled

“with that weapon in your hand, they’re as good as cooked”

than you feel the weight of a gun in your hands

“How could I have been so blind?” (you think to yourself)

you would not have been scared in the least had you realized you were holding a gun in your hand.


enough of me rambling about a little story that came into my head…hehe

I hope you enjoyed the picture that I just painted in your head


this isn’t just a story

it actually happened to me…

Do you mean to tell me you don’t believe me?


I bet you have been in the same situation


maybe I wasn’t in that exact situation

but…I kind of was

let me explain…

we get surrounded by problems everyday most of which we can’t see very clearly,

then we try to fix our problems with a few little punches of our own strength, completely forgetting that we hold a very powerful weapon in our hands

what kind of weapon?


yes, prayer

and we forget that our partner (Jesus Christ) sees the whole battle from a different angle

We could save ourselves a lot of worry if we just left things under his control.


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