do things that scare you

7 ways to boost your confidence

confidence doesn’t mean that you are always the loudest in the group,

confidence is about finding peace even in new and unfamiliar situations, it’s knowing that everything will be ok.

a lot of people struggle with a lack of confidence,

but that doesn’t mean that you need to continue going through life without confidence.

have you ever been with a large group of people and felt completely out of place like you wanted nothing more than to,

crawl under a table like a little kid?

Or maybe you don’t have the confidence to go against what society is telling you to do

And you feel like your dreams aren’t worth chasing.

I know I have felt this way.

but over the years… mostly in this past year, I started gaining more confidence.

and you can too!

I started thinking about what I did to gain more confidence then I came up with this list of

7 things that helped me gain confidence. if you implement these 7 things you can also take your confidence to the next level.

1. keep learning

if you are feeling a lack of confidence in school, at your job, or in life in general it might be because of a lack of knowledge on the subject or situation

the more knowledge you have on a relevant subject, the more tools you will have to overcome problems you might face

therefore, creating confidence.

2. know yourself

this is very important if you want to gain confidence.

get to know your strengths and your weaknesses, and who you want to be, and what you want to accomplish

I can give you a long list of tips, but without you putting in action it won’t help you, so here’s what I want you to do:

grab a pen and paper, and write down your answers as you ask yourself the following questions

  • what type of person do I want to be?
  • what do I want to accomplish in life?
  • who do I need to be to accomplish the things that I want to accomplish?

this is so important, especially when it comes to gaining confidence in chasing your dreams because if you don’t know exactly who you want to be and what you want to accomplish

other people’s opinions will have a much stronger hold on you and fear of other people’s opinions will kill your confidence.

3. surround yourself with people you want to be like

surrounding yourself with people who are where you want to be will help you gain confidence because it will help you realize what is possible

it will give you confidence to chase your dreams if you see that other people have already accomplished what you want to accomplish

4. gain experience

the more experience you have the more confident you will be.

Gaining experience with different types of people and learning to talk with and understand others can help you gain confidence.

as you gain more experience you will learn to overcome different obstacles along the way thus creating more confidence

“Confidence is not about knowing all the answers it’s about trusting your ability to figure things out”

5. other people’s opinions don’t matter

the sooner you realize this the sooner you will have more confidence.

it doesn’t matter if people think you are weird that’s their problem, not yours.

you are the one living your life, not them so why let their opinions dictate the way you live?

do things that scare you

6. do the thing that scares you

make a habit of doing things that scare you because the more fears you overcome the more confidence you will gain.

7. don’t rely on your own strength

the truth is you will fall short at some point in every area of your life.

but you don’t have to rely on your own strength, you can have confidence in the strength of God,

confidence that he will help you through even the toughest situations in life.

the other 6 tips don’t have much value if you don’t trust God because he is the ultimate source of confidence.


the most important one of these tips is #7

our confidence is not set in stone, we can build it up with a little bit of intention and practice.

gaining confidence is a lifelong journey not an overnight process.

if you combine all of these tips you will be able to take your confidence to the next level.

since you stayed till the end I’m going to give you a bonus tip

it would be right if I didn’t give Jun Yuh some credit. his mentorship program played a huge role for me in gaining confidence. I highly recommend it! here is a link to the mentorship if you are interested note: I am not affiliated with him I just really like what he does and how much he has helped me find clarity in life, and I know he can also help you.

I wish you great success!



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